
Inher­it­ing Edith

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Mag­gie is just try­ing to get by. A sin­gle moth­er, she works as a house clean­er, dream­ing of the days when her finan­cial woes will be over. When a for­mer employ­er, a renowned author Mag­gie once con­sid­ered a friend, takes her own life, Mag­gie learns that she has been includ­ed in the will and now owns a beau­ti­ful home in Sag Har­bor. But there’s a catch: she’s also inher­it­ed Liza­’s eight-two year old mother.

Edith has always prid­ed her­self on her self-suf­fi­cien­cy, but a recent Alzheimer’s diag­no­sis has her wary about the future. When her daugh­ter Liza com­mits sui­cide, she’s left on her own to pick up the pieces until a young woman, tod­dler in tow, arrives at her house, guard­ed but deter­mined to make this crazy new sit­u­a­tion work.

When Mag­gie offers to tran­scribe Edith’s life for her in an effort to hold onto the moments she’s ter­ri­fied of los­ing, a real friend­ship begins to bloom. When Mag­gie vows to help Edith resolve the after­math of a long-held secret, she’s forced to con­front the reper­cus­sions of one of her own.

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