
In That Sleep of Death

  • Review
By – June 24, 2024

In the eighth book in the Adam Lapid Mys­ter­ies, Jonathan Dun­sky takes read­ers back in his­to­ry to the ear­ly days of Israel’s state­hood. With each book in his series, Dun­sky becomes more impres­sive as an author. His plots grow in sophis­ti­ca­tion, and his main char­ac­ter gains depth and personality.

Once again we meet Adam Lapid. This time, he is walk­ing the streets of Tel Aviv late at night, unable to sleep, when he spots anoth­er man who reminds him of him­self: an unhap­py soul going through the motions in the after­math of World War II. When the mys­te­ri­ous man is found mur­dered, Lapid takes a spe­cial inter­est in the case.

Lapid, a for­mer Hun­gar­i­an police­man who lost his fam­i­ly in the Holo­caust, now lives in Israel and works as a pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor. He is hired to find the killer of the lone­ly night­walk­er when the police can­not find any clues or solu­tions. Recon­nect­ing with his friend at the local police sta­tion, he gets spe­cial inside infor­ma­tion and begins build­ing a back­ground sto­ry, fill­ing in the holes the police left unresolved.

The case leads Lapid to many dis­tinct neigh­bor­hoods in Tel Aviv. Lapid is sus­pi­cious of every­one he meets, from con­struc­tion work­ers to politi­cians. Could a pos­si­ble love inter­est be lead­ing him down the gar­den path, putting him in dan­ger? As Lapid uncov­ers the facts of the case, he reveals more about his past and how it has affect­ed his life in the present.

The trail of the killer leads all the way back to pre­war Poland. Dun­sky describes how peo­ple tried to escape the coun­try and find a way to trav­el to Israel, where they envi­sioned a bet­ter future. As Lapid gets clos­er to the truth, he risks increas­ing dan­ger. He must work quick­ly before any­one else dies — him­self included.

In That Sleep of Death con­tains inter­est­ing his­tor­i­cal con­tent and quick-mov­ing, twisty, sus­pense­ful plots. Read­ers will become attached to the char­ac­ters in Adam Lapid’s life, who make appear­ances in every book in the series. Dun­sky draws on fas­ci­nat­ing real events that took place in Israel’s infancy.

Mer­le Eis­man Car­rus resides in New Hamp­shire. She received her Mas­ters of Jew­ish Stud­ies from Hebrew Col­lege and is a grad­u­ate of Emer­son Col­lege. Mer­le is the Nation­al Pres­i­dent of the Bran­deis Nation­al Com­mit­tee. She leads books dis­cus­sion groups and author inter­views. She writes book reviews for var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions. She blogs her book reviews at biteofthebookworm@​blogspot.​com

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