
I Could­n’t Love You More

  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
Eliot Gor­don would do any­thing for her fam­i­ly. A 38-year-old work­ing moth­er, she lives a con­ven­tion­al but ful­fill­ing life in sub­ur­ban Atlanta with her part­ner, Grant Delaney, and their three daugh­ters. The two old­er girls are actu­al­ly Eliot’s step­daugh­ters, a dis­tinc­tion she is reluc­tant to make as she valiant­ly attempts to main­tain a safe, hap­py house­hold.

Then Finn Mont­gomery, Eliot’s long-lost first love, appears, trig­ger­ing a shock­ing chain of events that threat­ens to unrav­el every­thing she’s worked for. How Eliot sur­vives-and what she los­es in the process-is a sto­ry that will res­onate with any­one who has ever loved a child. With hilar­i­ous hon­esty, wrench­ing depth, and a knock­out twist, I Could­n’t Love You More illu­mi­nates the unbreak­able bonds of fam­i­ly and reveals the lengths we’ll go to save each oth­er, even as we can’t save our­selves.


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