
Hus­bands and Oth­er Sharp Objects

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

A heart­warm­ing, hilar­i­ous nov­el for any­one who has ever had a fam­i­ly, from the author of Lift And Sep­a­rate. After a life­time of mar­riage, Mar­cy Ham­mer, a Jew­ish woman liv­ing in Con­necti­cut, is ready to get her­self unhitched – just as every­one else in her life is look­ing for a com­mit­ment. Her new boyfriend, Jon, wants to get seri­ous, and her soon-to-be ex-hus­band, Har­vey, The Bra King, wants to get back togeth­er. When Mar­cy’s head­strong daugh­ter, Aman­da, announces a secret engage­ment to Har­vey’s attor­ney, Mar­cy finds her­self plan­ning her daugh­ter’s wed­ding as she plans her own divorce. Although Mar­cy dreams of a tra­di­tion­al Jew­ish wed­ding, Aman­da has oth­er ideas, reject­ing the Jew­ish tra­di­tions that both Mar­cy and Har­vey hold dear. Aman­da has no inter­est in danc­ing a hora or ask­ing a rab­bi to per­form the cer­e­mo­ny. In fact, she’d real­ly like to be mar­ried by her psy­chi­a­trist. From pet­ty skir­mish over an ever-grow­ing guest list to awk­ward con­fronta­tions with Mar­cy’s sticky-fin­gered new in-laws pulling off the wed­ding is going to be a chal­lenge. And try­ing to make every­one hap­py might prove to be impos­si­ble – because in the end, Mar­cy alone must make a choice between some­thing old and some­thing new.

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