Visu­al Arts

Humans of Judaism: Every­one Has a Sto­ry. What’s Yours?

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

An inspi­ra­tional, visu­al col­lec­tion of 300 Jew­ish sto­ries, curat­ed by the edi­tor and founder of the pop­u­lar social media brand @humansofjudaism. 

@humansofjudaism is a huge­ly pop­u­lar han­dle, with over 300,000 fol­low­ers on Insta­gram; and more than 500,000 fol­low­ers across all plat­forms. When her father passed away in 2013, Nik­ki Schreiber found com­fort in her mourn­ing by cre­at­ing a social media space for shar­ing pos­i­tive and uplift­ing Jew­ish sto­ries. It is a space for shar­ing every­thing — per­son­al sto­ries, Jew­ish his­to­ry, Holo­caust edu­ca­tion, sup­port for Israel, and so much more. Espe­cial­ly against the back­drop of ris­ing anti­semitism online, Humans of Judaism is a true source of pride and strength in these chal­leng­ing times. 

The engage­ment is sub­stan­tial, posts are viewed and shared by mil­lions world­wide, and viral sto­ries have been re-post­ed by pub­lic fig­ures and gov­ern­ment pages. Humans of Judaism is a cel­e­bra­tion of Jew­ish life and com­mu­ni­ty and a keep­sake that Jews all around the world will want to own or gift to one another.

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