
House of Gold

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

From the New York Times best­selling author of The House at Tyne­ford, an epic fam­i­ly saga inspired by the Roth­schilds about a head­strong Aus­tri­an heiress who will be forced to choose between the fam­i­ly she’s made and the fam­i­ly that made her at the out­break of World War I.

Vien­na, 1911. Twen­ty-one-year-old Gre­ta Gold­baum has always hun­gered after what’s for­bid­den: secret uni­ver­si­ty lec­tures, unseem­ly trum­pet lessons, and most of all, the free­dom to choose her life’s path.

The Gold­baum fam­i­ly has dif­fer­ent expec­ta­tions. Unit­ed across Europe by unsur­passed wealth and pow­er, Gold­baum men are bankers, while Gold­baum women mar­ry Gold­baum men to pro­duce Gold­baum chil­dren. Gre­ta will do her part.

So Gre­ta moves to Eng­land to wed Albert, a dis­tant cousin. The mar­riage is not a suc­cess. Yet, when Albert’s moth­er gives Gre­ta a gar­den, things at Tem­ple Court begin to change. First Gre­ta falls in love with her gar­den, then with Eng­land, and final­ly with her hus­band. But when World War I sends both Albert and Gre­ta’s beloved broth­er, Otto, to the front lines – one to fight for the Allies, one to fight for the Cen­tral Pow­ers – the House of Gold is left vul­ner­a­ble as nev­er before, and Gre­ta must choose: the fam­i­ly she’s cre­at­ed or the one she was forced to leave behind.

Set against a nuanced por­trait of World War I, this is a sweep­ing fam­i­ly saga rich in his­tor­i­cal atmos­phere and heart­break­ing­ly human char­ac­ters. House of Gold is Natasha Solomon­s’s most daz­zling and mov­ing nov­el yet.

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