
Home for the Chal­lah Days

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Turn­ing the bit­ter­ness of the past…into a sweet future!

When big-city advo­cate Sarah Abrams returns home for the High Holy Days, she’s got a lot on her mind — espe­cial­ly whether to mar­ry her per­fect-on-paper boyfriend. The last per­son she wants to encounter is Aaron Isaac­son, her first love and the one who broke her heart. But after Aaron and Sarah join forces to fight an act of hate, it’s clear that their deep con­nec­tion nev­er abat­ed. If only they could for­give one anoth­er for the past…in time for a sweet new start!

From Har­le­quin Spe­cial Edi­tion: Believe in love. Over­come obsta­cles. Find happiness.

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