
Hitler’s Sil­ver Box: A Novel

  • Review
By – April 23, 2012

Hitler’s Sil­ver Box is a real page-turn­er, full of sus­pense, dra­ma, and intrigue. The most fright­en­ing aspect of the nov­el is its plau­si­bil­i­ty. A prison inmate, in one of Hitler’s con­cen­tra­tion camps, is forced to make a box of sil­ver, using the fill­ings from pris­on­ers’ teeth. As hor­ren­dous as that sounds, the pur­pose for the sil­ver box is more hor­ri­fy­ing.

As the pris­on­er escapes the camp, he takes with him the sil­ver box and buries it along his escape route.

Fifty years lat­er, peo­ple are search­ing for the sil­ver box and will stop at noth­ing to dis­cov­er its hid­ing place. Each chap­ter begins with a line or two from the inmate’s jour­nal, thus con­nect­ing the events of 1944 with the present-day search for the box.

Fast-paced and well-writ­ten, Allen Malnak’s thriller keeps the read­er on the edge of his/​her seat.

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