
Har­ry’s Trees

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

When you climb a tree, the first thing you do is to hold on tight.

Thir­ty-four-year-old Har­ry Crane works as an ana­lyst for the US For­est Ser­vice. When his wife dies sud­den­ly, he is unable to cope. Leav­ing his job and his old life behind, Har­ry makes his way to the remote woods of north­east­ern Penn­syl­va­ni­a’s End­less Moun­tains, deter­mined to lose him­self. But fate inter­venes in the form of a fierce­ly deter­mined young girl named Ori­ana. She and her moth­er, Aman­da, are strug­gling to pick up the pieces from their own tragedy—Amanda sto­ical­ly hold­ing it togeth­er while Ori­ana roams the for­est search­ing for answers. And in Ori­ana’s mag­i­cal, will­ful mind, she believes that Har­ry is the key to right­ing her world.

Now it’s time for Har­ry to let go.

After tak­ing up res­i­dence in the woods behind Aman­da’s house, Har­ry reluc­tant­ly agrees to help Ori­ana in a ludi­crous scheme to escape his trag­ic past. In so doing, the unlike­li­est of ele­ments – a wolf, a stash of gold coins, a fairy tale called The Grum’s Ledger and a wise old librar­i­an named Olive come togeth­er to cre­ate a gold­en adven­ture that will ful­fill Ori­ana’s wildest dreams and open Har­ry’s heart to a whole new life.

Har­ry’s Trees is an uplift­ing sto­ry about the redeem­ing pow­er of friend­ship and love and the mag­ic to be found in life’s most sur­pris­ing adventures.

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