
Hap­pi­er, No Mat­ter What: Cul­ti­vat­ing Hope, Resilience, and Pur­pose in Hard Times

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

A New York Times best­selling author’s time­ly guide to hap­pi­ness in adversity.

When the world is upside down and the future uncer­tain, is it pos­si­ble to find hap­pi­ness? Hap­pi­ness expert Tal Ben-Sha­har unequiv­o­cal­ly says yes! In Hap­pi­er, No Mat­ter What, he gives read­ers a tool­box for find­ing hope and pur­pose: the SPIRE method. This nuanced approach has five key realms:

Spir­i­tu­al: Are we liv­ing mindfully?
Phys­i­cal: Do we take care of our bodies?
Intel­lec­tu­al: Are we chal­lenged and curious?
Rela­tion­al: Do we nur­ture con­nec­tions that nur­ture us?
Emo­tion­al: Are our feel­ings both hon­ored and balanced?

By assess­ing each area, we gain insight into our base­line hap­pi­ness,” and about how to build the resilience nec­es­sary to weath­er all of life’s ups and downs, no mat­ter what.

Discussion Questions