In recent years, Dr. Erica Brown’s teachings and writings have exploded all over the American Jewish scene. With this latest book, her thoughtful writing will now become more accessible to the general public. Happier Endings explores how we look at death and dying. The book looks at emotional responses to death as well as the “business” of death. The author openly discusses how she has dealt with her aversion to the subject, sharing personal experiences from loss of loved ones to her first experience working as part of a Hevra Kadisha (burial society). She reflects on how others of various cultures and religions face death, using anecdotes, texts, and a wide range of written sources. In her closing pages, the author suggests concrete measures that everyone should take: living each moment, discussing our wishes for end of life care with family, writing ethical wills and more. As with her other works, Dr. Brown succeeds not only in teaching us, but in inspiring us toward more meaningful living. Appendix, notes.

Happier Endings: A Meditation on Life and Death
- Review
– April 8, 2013
Rabbi Arnold D. Samlan is a Jewish educator and rabbi living in Miami, Florida. He serves as executive director of the Orloff Central Agency for Jewish Education of Broward County.
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