
Giv­ing Grief Mean­ing: A Method for Trans­form­ing Deep Suf­fer­ing Into Heal­ing and Pos­i­tive Change

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

How inspired qual­i­ties and affir­ma­tions helped one moth­er hon­or her loved one, cope with grief, and give grief mean­ing. After the sud­den and dev­as­tat­ing loss of her infant daugh­ter, Lily Dulan med­i­tat­ed, prayed, and rumi­nat­ed on the only thing she had left – her baby’s name. In Lily’s courage to address and move through her pain, she devel­oped a cross-pol­li­na­tion of proven psy­cho­log­i­cal modal­i­ties, 12-step well­ness tools, spir­i­tu­al heal­ing appli­ca­tions, med­i­ta­tions, and ancient yoga. She calls this self-help process, The Name Work.” In her heart­felt mem­oir, Lily shares her heal­ing jour­ney and method for unleash­ing the pow­er in names and giv­ing them spe­cial mean­ing to help move through the grief process in a thought­ful and trans­for­ma­tive way.

The Name Work method teach­es you how to assign spe­cial mean­ing and qual­i­ties to the let­ters in names – a deceased loved one’s or your own – and how to cre­ate pos­i­tive affir­ma­tions for each let­ter’s attribute. It is a tan­gi­ble and per­son­al self-heal­ing method for what­ev­er obsta­cles arise; a unique, new well­ness tool for heal­ing and self-discovery.

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