
From Mei­delach to Matri­archs: A Jour­nal: Jew­ish Women of Yes­ter­year to Inspire Your Today

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

The aim of chesh­bon hane­fesh (account­ing of the soul) as found in the prac­tice of Mus­sar is to pro­mote healthy and nur­tur­ing prac­tices such as med­i­ta­tion, per­son­al prayer, and, yes, jour­nal­ing. From Mei­delach to Matri­archs: A Journal~Jewish Women of Yes­ter­year to Inspire Your Today speaks to our community’s need for emo­tion­al cleans­ing, intro­spec­tion, and inspi­ra­tion. A moti­va­tion­al jour­nal may help the prac­ti­tion­er to reflect on her prin­ci­ples and what she has gleaned from life expe­ri­ences, reli­gious prac­tice, and exten­sive read­ing. It may help release stress and anx­i­ety by focus­ing on cer­tain top­ics and allow­ing hon­est expres­sion of one’s feel­ings. More than ever, women today need to acknowl­edge: we are stand­ing on the shoul­ders of giants! We need to emu­late their strength, courage, and com­pas­sion and match it with our own. From Mei­delach to Matri­archs is a gen­tle reminder to remem­ber who we are and walk proud­ly in that light.

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