
Free­ing Fred­die the Dream Weaver

Brent Hen­ry Fein­berg; Kim Nor­mand

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

In Free­ing Fred­die: The Dream Weaver, author Brent Fein­berg presents a book mas­ter­ful­ly writ­ten in a style that helps chil­dren, as well as their care­givers, gain insight into their own fear-dri­ven lives. It is pre­sent­ed through mas­ter­ful art and cap­ti­vat­ing, mag­i­cal prose which, syn­er­gis­ti­cal­ly, infus­es these young minds with impor­tant life lessons and tools to help them to become part of a lov­ing world…one in which fear can be under­stood and con­tex­tu­al­ized. In this sto­ry, Fred­die, a young boy who lives in a mag­i­cal for­est, becomes entan­gled in an enor­mous old web, which sym­bol­izes his fears. The jour­ney begins when he meets a giant, but wise and friend­ly, spi­der by the name of Mr. Cot­ton, who teach­es him how to release his fear and weave an alle­gor­i­cal web of his own dreams.

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