Almost twenty percent of baby boomers have no children. Even greater numbers are living and aging alone, due to divorce, children moving away, or other factors. These statistics include a very large number of retired professionals, women and men, who are Jewish. Thanks to “the pill” and greater educational and career opportunities, many Jewish baby-boomer women skipped motherhood and/or marriage to focus on climbing the corporate ladder or doing other meaningful work. Now, baby boomers are older. Many are already retired; others are in the planning stages. What will Jewish solo agers need to do to ensure a safe, secure, and connected older life? Through stories and personal examples, retirement expert and founder of LifeEncore, Dr. Sara Zeff Geber, describes choices in housing, relationships, legal arrangements, finances, and more — and urges solo agers to plan for the future as though their life and well-being depend on it — because it will! Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers provides a roadmap for a meaningful retirement and later life for childless adults and those aging alone.

Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers: A Retirement and Aging Roadmap for Single and Childless Adults
- From the Publisher
May 25, 2018
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