
Ele­ments of Ancient Jew­ish Nationalism

David Good­blatt
  • Review
By – March 26, 2012
It is sat­is­fy­ing to find a schol­ar­ly treat­ment that brings clar­i­ty to thorny top­ics such as eth­nic­i­ty and nation­al­ism. Any­one who seeks to under­stand and com­mu­ni­cate about these sub­jects in antiq­ui­ty must nav­i­gate many nuanced dis­cus­sions; often it seems advis­able to steer clear of the ter­mi­nol­o­gy if pos­si­ble, since there is sim­ply no con­sen­sus. David Good­blatt pro­vides a thor­ough, bal­anced, and con­vinc­ing treat­ment around which per­haps a con­sen­sus can be built. In addi­tion to the con­cep­tu­al chal­lenges under­tak­en, his­tor­i­cal mat­ters treat­ed include the his­tor­i­cal role of Hebrew in the con­struc­tion of Jew­ish nation­al­ism, as well as of the priest­hood, fol­lowed by three chap­ters orga­nized around names that played a role in the devel­op­ment of ancient Jew­ish nation­al­ism: Israel, Judah, and Zion­ism. Bib­li­og­ra­phy and indexes.
Mark D. Nanos, Ph.D., Uni­ver­si­ty of Kansas, is the author of Mys­tery­of Romans, win­ner of the 1996 Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award, Charles H. Revson­Award in Jew­ish-Chris­t­ian Relations.

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