
Ein­stein in Kafka­land: How Albert Fell Down the Rab­bit Hole and Came Up with the Universe

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

A bril­liant graph­ic nar­ra­tive reveal­ing the piv­otal year (19111912) that Prague was home to both Albert Ein­stein and Franz Kaf­ka, the tra­jec­to­ry of the two men’s lives wove togeth­er in uncan­ny ways — as did their shared desire to tack­le the world’s biggest ques­tions in Europe’s strangest city. Tying the lit­er­ary, sci­en­tif­ic, and geo­graph­ic cen­ters of the world togeth­er for a sin­gle year, Ein­stein in Kafka­land tells an untold sto­ry of two of the mod­ern era’s defin­ing fig­ures, each brought to vivid life with stun­ning art­work in Krimstein’s sig­na­ture style, as they bat­tle God for truth in a cos­mic uni­verse against the back­drop of Prague’s intri­ca­cies and mys­ter­ies.

By research­ing Einstein’s pub­lic state­ments, papers, lec­tures, and let­ters from this peri­od, as well as the events of a plan­et elec­tri­fy­ing itself into moder­ni­ty, and align­ing them with Kafka’s very thor­ough diary, Krim­stein ani­mates their inno­va­tion through the city that har­bored it. Ein­stein in Kafka­land shows how by the time Ein­stein left Prague, he had uncov­ered the way to his Gen­er­al The­o­ry of Rel­a­tiv­i­ty, and how Kaf­ka pro­duced his first mas­ter­piece, The Judg­ment— both cast­ing an irrev­o­ca­ble spell that would define mod­ern real­i­ty, a world where art and sci­ence merge in inevitable, irre­place­able ways.

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