
Eight Sweet Nights, a Fes­ti­val of Lights: A Hanukkah Story

  • Review
December 23, 2024

Eight Sweet Nights describes all the basics of Hanukkah and will pique the inter­est of those who have heard of the hol­i­day but don’t know much about it. Brave Mac­cabees, glow­ing can­dles, spin­ning drei­dels, tasty latkes, sweet suf­ganiy­ot, and more make their appear­ances in this book, and they are all accom­pa­nied by rich­ly col­ored illus­tra­tions and sim­ple, clear expla­na­tions. On the bot­tom of many of the pages, a small side note pro­vides fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the hol­i­day with­out mak­ing the book too wordy or heavy. There is also a detailed appen­dix that answers ques­tions about Hanukkah with a light tone. The art por­trays a mul­tira­cial fam­i­ly enjoy­ing the hol­i­day’s delights.

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