Eat Something is part comedy, part nostalgic journey part cookbook — the zany Jewish book we haven’t seen before. Taking a scrapbook approach this book layers food photography illustration by artist George McCalman and Jewish cultural memorabilia sourced from Wise Sons customers and the Contemporary Jewish Museum. It includes 19 smart and funny short essays, 8 – 10 sidebars, and 50 recipes of favorite salads, soups, baked goods, and more from their beloved restaurants. Stemming from the thesis that Jews eat by occasion the book is organized into 19 different events and celebrations chronicling a Jewish life in food including bris, Shabbat, Passover, and other High Holidays, first meal home from college, J‑Dating, wedding, and more — an organization that makes this a lighthearted read and fun gift as well as a working cookbook.

Eat Something: A Wise Sons Cookbook for Jews Who Like Food and Food Lovers Who Like Jews
- From the Publisher
February 14, 2013
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