
Duplic­i­ty: My Moth­ers’ Secrets

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Don­na Freed was born Rada Lin­den­maier. She was adopt­ed through the con­tro­ver­sial Jew­ish New York agency, Louise Wise Ser­vices. 

When Don­na was six, her sis­ter casu­al­ly revealed their old­er broth­er, Don­na, and she had all been adopt­ed, a fact which was nev­er again men­tioned in the Freed fam­i­ly until Don­na was an adult. In Donna’s for­ties, she found out that her birth par­ents were con artists whose get-rich-quick scheme land­ed them on the front pages of news­pa­pers around the world.

Don­na even­tu­al­ly found her birth moth­er, the woman behind the head­lines, and uncov­ered an extra­or­di­nary fam­i­ly his­to­ry.

Duplic­i­ty is a Jew­ish adop­tion fam­i­ly mem­oir with a true crime twist; it is a sto­ry of love, iden­ti­ty, and ulti­mate­ly forgiveness.

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