

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Days after grad­u­a­tion, Betsabé Ruiz’s life in New York is turn­ing out to be noth­ing less than cin­e­mat­ic. Although her first job at a white-shoe, Wall Street invest­ment bank is the oppor­tu­ni­ty of a life­time, she is not pre­pared for the mag­ni­tude of the wealth swirling about her, nor the long hours and close quar­ters that infuse her pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ships with inti­ma­cy. And like all great films, Betsabé’s New York dream comes with a twist that chal­lenges her, caus­ing her to find a bal­ance between where she came from and where she’s going.

A mod­ern-day retelling of the leg­end of Bathshe­ba and David, Daugh­ter of a Promise is nar­rat­ed in the ret­ro­spec­tive as a let­ter to Betsabé’s unborn son, Sol. This nov­el pass­es down wis­dom while relay­ing Betsabé’s com­ing of age. It is a reminder that deep-seat­ed forces such as desire and love are com­pli­cat­ed yet timeless.

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