
Dare to Mat­ter: Your Path to Mak­ing a Dif­fer­ence Now

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Dare to Mat­ter chron­i­cles Jor­dan Kassalow’s inspir­ing 35-year jour­ney from optom­e­try stu­dent with a desire to build a bet­ter world to build­ing Vision­Spring, an award-win­ning not-for-prof­it social busi­ness that changes lives one pair of glass­es at a time. As you join Jor­dan on his inspir­ing path, he and co-author Rab­bi Jen­nifer Krause will inspire you to forge your own path to mak­ing a dif­fer­ence. Whether search­ing for your first job, plan­ning your sec­ond act, or in your retire­ment years, regard­less of faith, back­ground, or bank bal­ance, Jor­dan and Jen offer you a proven, prag­mat­ic way to live in ser­vice of oth­ers while still uphold­ing per­son­al, fam­i­ly, and finan­cial com­mit­ments. Jew­ish wis­dom teach­es that we all receive a bless­ing at birth in keep­ing with our indi­vid­ual per­son­al­i­ties and unique poten­tial. Dare to Mat­ter will empow­er you to dis­cov­er your bless­ing, be a bless­ing, and bring your bless­ing to the world. It will remind you that real change is pos­si­ble, and help you take the next step to mak­ing the kind of dif­fer­ence you, and only you, have been cre­at­ed to make.

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