
Dare to Lead Like a Girl: How to Sur­vive and Thrive in the Cor­po­rate Jungle

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Dare to Lead Like a Girl is a holis­tic look at how to achieve pur­pose and joy at work. It is about turn­ing the world of work into a place where empa­thy, intu­ition, pas­sion, and resilience take their right­ful place, where women can lead like women and men can tap into their his­tor­i­cal­ly con­sid­ered fem­i­nine lead­er­ship traits and dare to lead (more) like a girl! It’s a provoca­tive call to action to all lead­ers to stop wear­ing emo­tion­al masks at work and con­nect to their more fem­i­nine lead­er­ship traits like pur­pose, per­spec­tive, phys­i­cal pow­er, peo­ple and positivity.

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