On April 14, 2008, Cathryn Jakobson Ramin put a note in her calendar: “Find spine surgeon.” For decades she’d sought to avoid open warfare with her back, but the truce had finally ended. She’d spent a fortune on chiropractic care acupuncture physical therapy and massage. She’d signed up for Pilates, yoga, T’ai chi, and strength training, but her pain only intensified. She felt angry, hopeless, and trapped. And as it turned out she is hardly alone. She found herself delving deeper and deeper into the behemoth that is the back pain industry. Back trouble she discovered in all its permutations costs the United States roughly $100 billion a year more than is spent annually to treat cancer coronary artery disease and AIDS combined. Ramin has spent the past six years traveling around the world and interviewing more than five hundred people including foremost experts in specialties ranging from spine surgery to ergonomics to a little-known branch of musculoskeletal medicine called “physiatry”. She has spent hours with rehabilitation specialists exercise physiologists physical therapists Feldenkrais Method and Alexander Technique teachers and Rolfing Structural Integration practitioners. She’s stood on hard linoleum floors in operating rooms all over the United States observing every kind of spine procedure. She’s spent hundreds of hours talking with patients who are in hot pursuit of their own solutions. Most importantly, she’s investigated firsthand the approaches that have reliably brought relief to a lot of people. Crooked will shatter assumptions about when surgery is needed, the usefulness of chiropractic physical therapy, injections, and painkillers — and crucially address rehabilitation options that reliably bring relief.

- From the Publisher
May 16, 2017
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