
Cook Your Mar­riage Happy

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Cook­ing Ther­a­py is an expe­ri­en­tial ther­a­py now being used to address emo­tion­al chal­lenges like anx­i­ety or depres­sion and sit­u­a­tion­al issues like my meshuge­nah son-in-law or bud­din­sky neigh­bor. In Cook Your Mar­riage Hap­py, you will iden­ti­fy behav­iors, explore reac­tions and use metaphor, indi­vid­u­al­ized recipes, and ses­sions to crys­tal­ize both help­ful and harm­ful pat­terns. And at the end of a ses­sion, you will also have din­ner! In oth­er words, Why not have a side of self-esteem with that Tzimmes?”

Every cou­ple has chal­lenges, moments of frus­tra­tion, anger and despair. Treat­ment cen­ters and a vari­ety of oth­er set­tings incor­po­rate ther­a­peu­tic cook­ing into their pro­grams. Now you can do the same, with­out the cost or incon­ve­nience, with The Sous Ther­a­pist as your guide. Some typ­i­cal sce­nar­ios are The Stale Mar­riage and The Finan­cial­ly Frus­trat­ed Mar­riage. You’ll be astound­ed at the oy vay” moments and break­throughs that can occur when you try Cook­ing Ther­a­py for your­self, using a new, fun, but focused and vir­tu­al­ly free ther­a­py you can and should try at home.

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