
Clown Shoes

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

After New York attor­ney Will Ross gains acquit­tal for a child abuser, and the child is sub­se­quent­ly killed, he resolves to aban­don the law and become a children’s enter­tain­er. Will’s change of heart and career is a cat­a­lyst for his lover, Clara, who quits her pres­ti­gious job to pur­sue doc­u­men­tary film­mak­er. While the cou­ple are unit­ed in their fer­vor for their nascent careers in art, unex­pect­ed chal­lenges rip them apart. Feel­ing aban­doned, Will ven­tures into his new pas­sion, don­ning clown shoes, pick­ing up his old gui­tar, and tak­ing on a spe­cial gui­tar stu­dent. Only when the boy’s life is threat­ened does Will take up law again, fight­ing not only to pro­tect the child but to clear his guilt and free him­self to love.

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