
But­ton Man

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

After a string of New York Times best­selling sub­ur­ban thrillers, Andrew Gross has rein­vent­ed him­self as a writer of his­tor­i­cal thrillers. Now, Gross deliv­ers a stir­ring sto­ry of an immi­grant fam­i­ly torn apart brought togeth­er and torn apart by the birth of orga­nized crime in New York City in the 1930s.

Mor­ris, Sol, and Har­ry Rabi­nowitz grew up poor but hap­py in a tiny flat on the Low­er East Side, until the death of their father thrust them into hav­ing to fend for them­selves and sup­port their large fam­i­ly. Mor­ris appren­ticed him­self at twelve years old to a gar­ment cut­ter in a cloth­ing fac­to­ry; Sol head­ed to col­lege and became an accoun­tant; and Har­ry, the youngest, fell in with a gang as a teenag­er and can’t escape. Mor­ris steadi­ly climbs through the ranks at the fac­to­ry until he’s run­ning the place and buys out the own­er, and Sol comes to work with him. But Har­ry can’t be lured away from the glam­our, the pow­er, and the mon­ey that comes from work­ing for mob­ster Louis Buchal­ter, an old bul­ly from the neigh­bor­hood. And when Louis sets his sights on the unions that staff the gar­ment mak­ers’ fac­to­ries, a fatal show­down is inevitable, and puts broth­er against brother.

This new nov­el is equal parts his­tor­i­cal thriller, rich with the detail of a vibrant New York City in the 1920s and 1930s, and fam­i­ly saga, based in part on Andrew Gross’s fam­i­ly his­to­ry, and will cement his rep­u­ta­tion as today’s most atmos­pher­ic and orig­i­nal his­tor­i­cal thriller writer.

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