Bronx Heart-Jerusalem Soul is a multi-faceted novel that offers the reader much to think about possibly learn and more importantly feel. Tyra Miller, a ten-year-old girl growing up in the Bronx, grapples with the suffering of her older sister, Jessie, who is encased in a head-to-toe fifty pound plaster cast after a grueling surgery. As Jessie’s misery and disappointments ever increase Tyra is burdened by guilt and has trouble maintaining her faith in God. Her search leads her to Israel as a graduate student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1966. It is while Tyra is in Israel that the novel becomes grounded in a unique historical perspective. Based on war diaries correspondence and documents, Tyra and the other foreign students present an authentic picture of how the Jewish people manage to live through the tense month of May 1967 as the threat of annihilation looms heavy and Israel prepares for an all-out war. The simultaneous contradiction of exuberance of the June victory juxtaposed against the mourning of personal loss adds to the emotional turmoil of an exhilarated yet exhausted people. War brings out resilience and courage in Tyra she never thought she had, and though she realizes there are no solutions to the imperfections of life, the sisters’ difficult reconciliation allows Tyra to chart an unexpected course on her way to happiness.

Bronx Heart, Jerusalem Soul
- From the Publisher
May 16, 2017
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