

Esther Sil­ver­stein Blanc; Ten­nessee Dixon, illus.
  • From the Publisher
October 6, 2011
Not all Jew­ish immi­grants set­tled in New York. The plains of Wyoming were home to a com­mu­ni­ty of Jew­ish farm­ers and when one of them, a Yid­dishe Mama, finds an orphan colt, she nur­tures it, loves it, and joy­ful­ly greets the day when the colt, whom Mama named Berchick, can run wild and free. In the award-win­ning Berchick and anoth­er of the author’s books called Long Johns for a Young Chick­en, kind­ness to ani­mals and acts of lov­ingkind­ness are expressed through heart­warm­ing writ­ing and pictures.

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