
As a Ram Yearns for the Brook: The Jour­ney of a Father and Son

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

Through the medi­um of let­ters, real and imag­ined, Daniel tells the sto­ry of his upbring­ing at the turn of the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry. He describes his par­ents’ role and espe­cial­ly his father’s impact on his younger years. Although filled with humor and some pain, Daniel’s child­hood is the pro­to­typ­i­cal Mod­ern Ortho­dox Jew­ish upbring­ing. This all changes in 2013 when his father Bruce is diag­nosed with can­cer. Daniel illu­mi­nates their rela­tion­ship and his father’s strength in deal­ing with the highs and lows of bat­tling can­cer. With incred­i­ble self-reflec­tion, he por­trays the hard­ships and resilience of a fam­i­ly who fights can­cer togeth­er and also inves­ti­gates his own tri­als as he nav­i­gates the men­tal toll of being a son of a can­cer patient. Sad­ly, Daniel’s father pass­es away. He elo­quent­ly describes the Jew­ish rit­u­als of mourn­ing and the effects they had on him. How­ev­er, Daniel’s jour­ney with his father does not end there. He attempts to con­nect with his father dur­ing the fledg­lings of adult­hood as Daniel nav­i­gates find­ing his place in his com­mu­ni­ty, his faith, and his world.

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