
And How Are the Chil­dren: Time­less Lessons from the Front­lines of Motherhood

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Mar­jorie Mar­golies’s Jew­ish father always said that you should aspire to change another’s life. That con­cept of tikkun olam, was instilled in her from an ear­ly age and she was deter­mined to apply the con­cept to her own fam­i­ly. Mar­jorie’s fam­i­ly grew expo­nen­tial­ly. She adopt­ed two girls from Viet­nam and Korea, mar­ried a Jew­ish Con­gress­man with four daugh­ters, and spon­sored a Catholic refugee fam­i­ly from Viet­nam bring­ing the num­ber of kids under her roof to eleven.

Mar­jorie had a Jew­ish home, but one of her pri­or­i­ties was to instill in her kids’ respect for all faiths. They cel­e­brat­ed Han­nukah and Christ­mas. Sun­day morn­ings meant Sun­day school – both Catholic and Jew­ish. They did Seders and Catholic Mass­es. They said Jew­ish and Catholic prayers. Her chil­dren mar­ried in Jew­ish or ecu­meni­cal cer­e­monies. It was an organ­ic way to make every­one feel includ­ed yet tol­er­ant of oth­er belief sys­tems. Mar­jorie’s book is the sto­ry of this journey.

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