Alex Schwarz is a second-generation Holocaust survivor haunted by the nightmare that was Nazi Germany. In 1939, Alex Schwarz’s father escaped the Third Reich and came to the United States. But Alex’s grandparents and uncle perished in Nazi concentration camps. Now, in the 1960s, Alex wants to understand and escape from the dark shadow his father’s grief and fears have cast over his youth.
Then happenstance gives Alex a gift — or is it a burden? Alex learns he can see into the past. How will Alex and his girlfriend Lucy, a Soviet émigré, make use of this new and extraordinary capability?
Alex in Deutschland tells its tale using adventure, cruelty, wonder and sadness from the nineteen-thirties, forties, fifties and sixties. Underlying it all, the book wrestles with the psyche of Hitler while addressing the question: What is fascism?

Alex in Deutschland
Discussion Questions
Courtesy of Roger Neumaier
1. Alex in Deutschland is a story about a son’s reaction to the grief his father experienced after escaping from Nazi Germany. Do you or did you know a holocaust survivor who suffers or has suffered from survivor’s guilt? How is this person similar or different from Alex’s father?
2. While this is a fiction book, the biographical details about Adolf Hitler are fact based. What do you believe was the primary issue that caused Adolf Hitler to try to destroy the Jewish people as well as other minority populations?
3. Should the German people be blamed for not resisting Hitler?
4. What are your feelings about the neighbors who lived in the Schwarz family’s apartment building?
5. Would you have resisted Hitler if you were a non-Jew German citizen living in Germany during the the1930s?
6. Was there any reason other than his own lack of success as an artist that Hitler clamped down on modern art?
7. Alex’s quest is about trying to understand the German people as much as gaining insight into Adolf Hitler. Why do you think the German people allowed Hitler to persecute so many people?
8. Are there current populist leaders or politicians who have some characteristics similar to Hitler. If so, who and what makes them different from or similar to Hitler?
9. Do you think the comparison of Alex to Alice in Wonderland is valid?
10. Before reading the book, were you aware that more than 25 million Soviet citizens died in World War II? What are your thoughts about those losses of life?
Are there similarities between the treaty of Versailles and the ways in which the Soviet Union was broken up at the end of the 20th century?

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