
A Vil­lage Romance

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

She owns the only restau­rant in Chelm. He’s the wis­est man in the vil­lage of fools.

Togeth­er, they make an unlike­ly and lov­able pair. They’ve known each oth­er for­ev­er. Final­ly they man­age to connect.

This is not your grandfather’s vil­lage of Chelm. Yes, the peo­ple are often fool­ish, but their hearts are in the right places. Chelm is a vibrant com­mu­ni­ty with vivid and col­or­ful char­ac­ters and prob­lems that are rel­e­vant today.

With chap­ters cen­ter­ing around wed­dings and cel­e­bra­tions, Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah and Passover, this joy­ful nov­el has it all. Themes include the impor­tance of exer­cise for seniors, main­tain­ing your iden­ti­ty, the chal­lenge of work and rela­tion­ships, and of course the joy of eat­ing good food.

The Mis­ad­ven­tures of Rab­bi Kib­b­itz and Mrs. Chaip­ul is deli­cious for Jew­ish and non-Jew­ish read­ers alike.

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