Rachel Kamin has been a synagogue librarian and Jewish educator for over twenty-five years and has worked at North Suburban Synagogue Beth El in Highland Park, IL since 2008, currently serving as the Director of Lifelong Learning. A past chair of the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee and past editor of Book Reviews for Children & Teens for the Association of Jewish Libraries News & Reviews, her articles and book reviews appear in numerous publications. She has been a member of the American Library Association’s Sophie Brody Book Award Committee since 2021.

A Promise Fulfilled: Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, David Ben-Gurion and the Creation of the State of Israel
- Review
– August 6, 2012
Howard Greenfeld outlines his objectives for A Promise Fulfilled in his introduction: “I have tried to answer three basic questions: Why should the Jewish people have a state? Why did this state need to be located where it is? And why — and how— were they able to create this state?” The book is then structured to answer these questions by examining the lives of Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, and David Ben- Gurion. While Greenfeld successfully answers his three basic questions and provides a thorough analysis of the impact and significance of Herzl, Weizmann, and Ben- Gurion to the creation of the State of Israel, the high reading level, sophisticated vocabulary, and academic tone make the book challenging to the average student. However, teachers and students already well-versed in the history of Israel and curious about the lives of these seminal figures will find it a valuable resource. It would also be an excellent text book or reading assignment for courses on Israel, or for students preparing for a visit. For ages 14 – 18.
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