
A His­to­ry of the Holocaust

Saul S. Friedman
  • Review
By – September 28, 2012
This gen­er­al sur­vey of Holo­caust his­to­ry and his­to­ri­og­ra­phy is designed as a col­lege text­book on the sub­ject. I am par­tic­u­lar­ly impressed by the chap­ters that detail the per­se­cu­tion of the Jews in coun­tries out­side of Ger­many, Poland, and the for­mer Sovi­et Union. Fur­ther­more, the book is as eru­dite as any oth­er sin­gle vol­ume his­to­ry, while being much more read­able than most. Chap­ters are the­mat­ic or geo­graph­ic and run in rough chrono­log­i­cal order. My only quib­ble is that it has no bib­li­og­ra­phy. Illus.; index; notes.
Abra­ham J. Edel­heit is an asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of his­to­ry at Kings­bor­ough Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege (CUNY) and the author, co-author, or edi­tor of eleven books on the Holo­caust, Zion­ism, Jew­ish and Euro­pean his­to­ry, and Mil­i­tary affairs. His most recent pub­li­ca­tion appeared in Armor mag­a­zine, the offi­cial jour­nal of the US Army Armor and Cav­al­ry Command.

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