
321…We’re On The Air: A Net­work Pro­duc­er’s Inside Look at Sports, Tele­vi­sion, Jour­nal­ism, and Gen­der Equity

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Join Emmy Award-win­ning pro­duc­er Robert Ste­in­feld on his path from eager, ambi­tious Jew­ish teenage jour­nal­ist to ulti­mate­ly real­iz­ing his dream to pro­duce sports’ biggest events on nation­al net­work tele­vi­sion. Along the way, he’s crossed paths with super­star ath­letes Cal Rip­ken, Alex Rodriguez, Nolan Ryan, Nan­cy Lieber­man, Tim Dun­can, David Robin­son, Bill Wal­ton plus announc­ers Bob Costas, Jim Nantz, Robin Roberts, and more. Go inside the world of sports tele­vi­sion with sto­ries about the Dream Team I at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics; chal­lenges at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics; part­ner­ing with Hall of Fame pitch­ers Nolan Ryan and Randy John­son; five decades in the NBA, MLB, WNBA, and cham­pi­on of gen­der equi­ty. Robert takes you inside net­work sports tele­vi­sion at ESPN, CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox plus offers lessons for aspir­ing jour­nal­ists. If you love watch­ing sports tele­vi­sion or are intrigued about the busi­ness, here’s a behind-the-scenes look at a super­star jour­ney. Fore­word by Nai­smith Memo­r­i­al Bas­ket­ball Hall of Famer Nan­cy Lieber­man and intro­duc­tion by fel­low Hall of Famer Bill Wal­ton who wrote, Let the count­down begin….

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