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Angus Smith Angus Smith is a retired Canadian intelligence official, writer and Jewish educator who lives in rural Nova Scotia. Reviews Nonfiction Following Similar Paths: What American Jews and Muslims Can Learn from One Another Fiction Babi Yar Anatoly Kuznetsov Nonfiction Israel’s Black Panthers: The Radicals Who Punctured a Nation’s Founding Myth Asaf Elia-Shalev Nonfiction A Cold War Exodus: How American Activists Mobilized to Free Soviet Jews Shaul Kelner Nonfiction Jack Ruby: The Many Faces of Oswald’s Assassin Danny Fingeroth Nonfiction Summons to Berlin: Nazi Theft and A Daughter’s Quest for Justice Joanne Intrator Nonfiction Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right Matthew Dallek Fiction The Family Morfawitz Daniel H. Turtel Nonfiction The Auschwitz Protocols: Ceslav Mordowicz and the Race to Save Hungary’s Jews Fred R. Bleakley Fiction One Mile and Two Days Before Sunset Shimon Adaf; Yardenne Greenspan, trans; Nonfiction So They Remember: A Jewish Family’s Story of Surviving the Holocaust in Soviet Ukraine Maksim Goldenshteyn Nonfiction Looking for Alicia: The Unfinished Life of an Argentinian Rebel Marc Raboy Nonfiction Pillar of Salt: A Daughter’s Life in the Shadow of the Holocaust Anna Salton Eisen Fiction Love Like Water, Love Like Fire Mikhail Iossel
Nonfiction Following Similar Paths: What American Jews and Muslims Can Learn from One Another
Nonfiction Israel’s Black Panthers: The Radicals Who Punctured a Nation’s Founding Myth Asaf Elia-Shalev
Nonfiction A Cold War Exodus: How American Activists Mobilized to Free Soviet Jews Shaul Kelner
Nonfiction Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right Matthew Dallek
Nonfiction The Auschwitz Protocols: Ceslav Mordowicz and the Race to Save Hungary’s Jews Fred R. Bleakley
Nonfiction So They Remember: A Jewish Family’s Story of Surviving the Holocaust in Soviet Ukraine Maksim Goldenshteyn