Paper Brigade’s Short Sto­ry Club: Fur­ther­more” with Miron C. Izak­son and Joseph Faust

Monday, April 17, 2023


Join Miron C. Izak­son, Joseph Faust, and Paper Brigade​’s edi­tors for the sec­ond meet­ing of the 2023 sea­son of Paper Brigade​’s Short Sto­ry Club! 

At this half-hour meet­ing, we will dis­cuss the 2022 win­ner of the Paper Brigade Award for New Israeli Fic­tion in Hon­or of Jane Weitz­man: an excerpt from Fur­ther­more writ­ten by Miron C. Izak­son and trans­lat­ed by Joseph Faust. The event is free and open to the pub­lic, and par­tic­i­pants are warm­ly encour­aged to join the conversation.

Read the excerpt of ​Fur­ther­more online, or pur­chase a copy of the 2023 issue of Paper Brigade to read it in print.