
Con­test­ed Land, Con­test­ed Mem­o­ry: Israel’s Jews and Arabs and the Ghosts of Catastrophe

Jo Roberts
  • From the Publisher
December 10, 2013

1948: As Jew­ish refugees, sur­vivors of the Holo­caust, strug­gle toward the new State of Israel, Arab refugees are flee­ing, many under duress. Six­ty years lat­er, the mem­o­ry of trau­ma has shaped both peo­ples’ col­lec­tive under­stand­ing of who they are.

After a war, the vic­tors write his­to­ry. How was the sto­ry of the exiled Pales­tini­ans erased — from text­books, maps, even the land? How do Jew­ish and Pales­tin­ian Israelis now engage with the his­to­ries of the Pales­tin­ian Nak­ba (“Cat­a­stro­phe”) and the Holo­caust, and how do these echo through the polit­i­cal and phys­i­cal land­scapes of their country?

Vivid­ly nar­rat­ed, with exten­sive orig­i­nal inter­view mate­r­i­al, Con­test­ed Land, Con­test­ed Mem­o­ry exam­ines how these tan­gled his­to­ries of suf­fer­ing inform Jew­ish and Pales­tin­ian-Israeli lives today, and frame Israel’s pos­si­bil­i­ties for peace.

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