My name is Eva Mozes Kor. I am a sur­vivor of Auschwitz, a sur­vivor of human med­ical exper­i­men­ta­tion on twins by Dr. Josef Men­gele, and now, I am try­ing to sur­vive old age. As the found­ing direc­tor of CAN­DLES Holo­caust Muse­um and Edu­ca­tion Cen­ter, a human rights cham­pi­on, inter­na­tion­al­ly known author and speak­er, and advo­cate for the pow­er of for­give­ness, I am rec­om­mend­ing these books because they help us under­stand how the Nazis rose to pow­er, what hap­pened to many Jews and how they sur­vived the death camps, and how the sur­vivors coped afterwards.

As we come togeth­er on Inter­na­tion­al Holo­caust Remem­brance Day, also known as Auschwitz Lib­er­a­tion Day, this list of books is geared to help us remem­ber, but also to fur­ther under­stand the cir­cum­stances around the Holo­caust at that time and how sur­vivors moved for­ward with their lives.

If you’re look­ing for a book that dis­cuss­es Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tors in our midst…
1) AMER­I­CAN SWASTI­KA by Charles Higham

If you’re look­ing for a book that dis­cuss­es The Nazi-Amer­i­can mon­ey plot…
2) TRAD­ING WITH THE ENE­MY by Charles Higham

If you’re look­ing for a book that dis­cuss­es Amer­i­ca’s recruit­ment of Nazis and its dis­as­trous effect…
3) BLOW­BACK by Christo­pher Simpson

If you’re look­ing for a book that dis­cuss­es Hitler’s Alliance with Ger­many’s great chem­i­cal com­pa­nies…
4) THE CRIME & PUN­ISH­MENT OF I.G. FAR­BEN (BASF) by Joseph Borkin.

If you’re look­ing for a book that gives you an insider’s per­spec­tive of Dr. Josef Men­gele…
5) A DOC­TOR’S EYE­WIT­NESS ACCOUNT by Mik­los Nyiszli

If you’re look­ing for a book that show­cas­es the uncon­di­tion­al faith in human beings’ abil­i­ty to heal…
6) MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEAN­ING by Dr. Vic­tor E. Frankl

If you’re look­ing for a book that pro­vides a 10-year-old’s unfil­tered per­spec­tive of Auschwitz and shows young peo­ple that we can over­come many hard­ships in life and even tri­umph over dis­as­ter….
7) SUR­VIV­ING THE ANGEL OF DEATH by Eva Mozes Kor & Lisa Rojany Buccieri

If you’re look­ing for a book that pro­vides ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion about prej­u­dice…

If you’re look­ing for a book that pro­vides infor­ma­tion about the twins’ per­spec­tive as guinea pigs of Dr. Josef Men­gele…

If you’re look­ing for a book that shares the sto­ry of a Sun­derko­man­do work­ing for 3 yrs. in the gas cham­bers…
10) EYE WIT­NESS IN AUSCHWITZ by Fil­ip Muller 

If you’re look­ing for a book that goes into detail con­cern­ing Nazi Eugen­ics to cre­ate a per­fect race…
11) MUR­DER­OUS SCI­ENCE by Beno Muller Hill 

If you’re look­ing for a book about a 17 year old who escaped Auschwitz to alert the world, but the world did­n’t believe him…
12) CAN­NOT FOR­GIVE by Rudolf Vrba 

You can learn more about Eva Mozes Kor by vis­it­ing www​.can​dlesholo​caust​mu​se​um​.org, fol­low­ing her on Twit­ter at @evamozeskor.

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