Joel Chas­noff has been blog­ging his NET­WORK for the JBC herehere, and here. His most recent post can be found below.

My sched­ule for today, which per­fect­ly rep­re­sents a typ­i­cal day on the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil author tour:

6:00 AM – Wake up call, cour­tesy the hotel front desk.

6:15 AM – Man iden­ti­fy­ing him­self as my lim­ou­sine dri­ver” calls my cell phone, informs me that he’s down­stairs in the hotel lob­by. I thank him, excit­ed at the prospect of rid­ing in a lim­ou­sine, which I have not done since my grandfather’s funer­al (June 84).

6:24 AM – Meet lim­ou­sine dri­ver in the lobby.

6:25 AM – Dis­cov­er that lim­ou­sine” is real­ly an 89 Dodge mini­van, maroon. Disappointment.

6:45 AM – Arrive JAX.

6:50 AM – Remove shoes, belt, hat, sweat­shirt, and watch out of para­noia that I will fail the met­al detec­tor and be frisked by TSA.

7:50 AM – Flight to Louisville, KY, via Cincinnati.

10:0511:15 AM – Lay­over in CVG. Two cups of tea at Max and Erma’s. While I drink, I call Con Edi­son in New York, beg them to waive the late fee on my last bill, which I for­got to pay because I was on the road for Jew­ish Book Tour.

11:15 AM – Flight to LOU.

11:20 AM – Meet Kim, the JCC pro­fes­sion­al, who is hold­ing my book over her head like a lit­er­ary Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty next to bag­gage claim.

11:40 AM – Kim waits in the car while I dash into Sub­way, order the Kosher Sub (tuna/​cheese/​tomato/​cucumber/​mayo) on six-inch wheat. Also Sun Chips.

12:00 noon – Arrive at hotel.

12:02 PM – Tele­vi­sion on, ESPN. Will remain on until check­out tomor­row morning.

12:04 PM – Unpack. Iron pants, shirt for tonight’s event.

12:15 PM – Eat Sub­way while watch­ing Sports­Cen­ter. Bliss.

1:00 PM – Con­sid­er doing some work: email, pay bills online, fol­low up on upcom­ing shows/​book events.

1:01 PM – Decide to instead watch anoth­er episode of SportsCenter.

2:00 PM – Email, pay bills online, oth­er work I should have start­ed an hour ago.

4:00 PM – Work out. Nev­er helps. I still weigh 128 lbs.

4:45 PM – Show­er, shave.

4:55 PM – Dress while watch­ing ESPN (“Rome is Burn­ing” fol­lowed by Around the Horn”).

5:15 PM – Meet JCC Book Coun­cil pro­fes­sion­al and usu­al­ly a few local patrons for din­ner at a local restau­rant. By the ques­tions they ask, I can tell whether or not they’ve read the book. Did you have to make aliyah to join the Israeli Army?” means they read it. Why did you join the army?” means they may have read it. Have you ever been to Israel?” means they have no idea I wrote a book.

7:00 PM – Book event at the JCC. Smash­ing suc­cess. Hun­dreds, if not thou­sands, of books sold.

8:30 PM - Dessert recep­tion with donors. Pose for pic­tures. Shake many hands. Old women I do not know kiss my on cheek. Reminds me of Thanks­giv­ing with my grandmother.

9:30 PM – Back to hotel.

9:40 PM – ESPN: foot­ball, basketball.

10:15 PM – Pack suitcase.

10:59 PM – Con­firm tomor­row morning’s wake-up call.

11:00 PM – Sports­Cen­ter. Lila tov.

Joel Chas­noff (The 188th Cry­ba­by Brigade) has been blog­ging for the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil on his Jew­ish Book NET­WORK tour. Be sure to check back for his next post for the JBC Blog

Joel Chas­noff and Ben­ji Lovitt are Amer­i­can-born stand-up come­di­ans who now live in Israel, and are the authors of the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award-win­ning Israel 201. They’ve per­formed com­e­dy at more than 2,000 Jew­ish events in 10 countries.