
Rene­gade Women in Film & TV

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Rene­gade Women in Film and TV blends stun­ning illus­tra­tions, fas­ci­nat­ing bio­graph­i­cal pro­files, and exclu­sive inter­views with icons like Bar­bra Streisand, Rita Moreno, and Sigour­ney Weaver to cel­e­brate the accom­plish­ments of 50 extra­or­di­nary women through­out the his­to­ry of enter­tain­ment. Each pro­file high­lights the ground­break­ing accom­plish­ments and essen­tial work of pio­neers from the big and small screens, offer­ing lit­tle-known facts about house­hold names (Lucille Ball, Oprah Win­frey, Nora Ephron) and cru­cial intro­duc­tions to over­looked pio­neers (Alla Naz­i­mo­va, Anna May Wong, Frances Marion). 

From 19th cen­tu­ry icon­o­clast Alice Guy Blaché to 21st cen­tu­ry trail­blaz­er Ava DuVer­nay, Rene­gade Women hon­ors the women who suc­ceed­ed against all odds, chang­ing their indus­try in front of the cam­era and behind the scenes.

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