
On Being Jew­ish Now: Reflec­tions from Authors and Advocates

  • From the Publisher
August 6, 2023

On Octo­ber 7th, 2023, Jews in Israel were attacked in the largest pogrom since the Holo­caust. But Jews every­where felt it and came togeth­er to process and to speak out in ways they nev­er had before, like the con­trib­u­tors to this col­lec­tion. More than six­ty notable Jew­ish authors speak to their life­times of Jew­ish joy, cel­e­bra­tion, laugh­ter, food, trau­ma, loss, love, fam­i­ly, neu­roses, and fun, and the com­mon threads that course through the Jew­ish peo­ple: resilience and humor. Con­trib­u­tors include Mark Feuer­stein, Jill Zarin, Rab­bi Steve Led­er, Amy Ephron, Lisa Barr, Rebec­ca Minkoff, Annabelle Gur­witch, Jen­ny Mollen, Nico­la Kraus, Car­o­line Leav­itt, and many more. On Being Jew­ish Now is edit­ed by best­selling author, pod­cast­er, book­store own­er, and media com­pa­ny CEO Zib­by Owens. 

Nev­er again.

All prof­its from the sale of the e‑book, audio­book, and paper­back will be donat­ed to Artists Against Anti­semitism, a group found­ed by Jew­ish authors in the after­math of Octo­ber 7th, ded­i­cat­ed to fight­ing the spread of antisemitism.

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