Min­dread­er: The New Sci­ence of Deci­pher­ing What Peo­ple Real­ly Think, What They Real­ly Want, and Who They Real­ly Are

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

New York Times best­selling author, con­sul­tant to the FBI, CIA, and NSA, and not­ed psy­chother­a­pist David J. Lieber­man, PhD, takes peo­ple read­ing” to a whole new lev­el. Draw­ing on the lat­est research in psy­cholin­guis­tics — the cues embed­ded in spo­ken and writ­ten speech — he shows you how to apply his cut­ting-edge meth­ods to count­less every­day situations.

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