
Light Years

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Luisa is ready for her life to start. Five min­utes ago. And she could be on her way, as her extra­or­di­nary cod­ing skills have land­ed her a final­ist spot for a fel­low­ship spon­sored by the world’s most bril­liant tech entre­pre­neur. Being cho­sen means fund­ing, men­tor­ship, and free­dom from her over­bear­ing moth­er. Maybe Lu will even fig­ure out how to con­trol the rare con­di­tion that plagues her: when­ev­er her emo­tions run high, her phys­i­cal sens­es kick into over­load, with waves of col­or, sound, taste, and touch flood­ing her body.

But Luisa’s life is thrust into chaos as a dead­ly virus sweeps across the globe, send­ing her father into quar­an­tine. When Lu receives a cryp­tic mes­sage from some­one who might hold the key to stop­ping the epi­dem­ic, she knows she must do something.

Sus­pense­ful, lyri­cal, and thought-pro­vok­ing, Light Years fea­tures a remark­able hero­ine on an intense quest for hope and exis­ten­tial mean­ing. It’s a sto­ry about choos­ing light in the face of dark­ness, and how grief, tech­nol­o­gy, and human con­nec­tion can trans­form us and change the world.

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