
Clau­dia Sil­ver to the Res­cue: A Novel

  • Review
By – June 18, 2013

Clau­dia Sil­ver to the res­cue? I don’t think so.

Decem­ber 1996, New York City. An assis­tant at Geor­gi­ca Films, Clau­dia is a twen­ty-four-year-old Barnard grad­u­ate whose dai­ly respon­si­bil­i­ties include plac­ing lunch orders for Geor­gi­ca’s mot­ley crew of char­ac­ters. When Clau­dia begins a roman­tic rela­tion­ship with the door­man at work, her indis­cre­tion (and evi­dence of theft) soon come to light, and Clau­dia is swift­ly fired. Through­out the book, Clau­di­a’s choic­es get even worse. 

The idea that Clau­dia is capa­ble of res­cu­ing any­thing seems unlike­ly. And her fam­i­ly is no help what­so­ev­er. Clau­di­a’s moth­er refused to let Clau­dia return to her run­down Park Slope brown­stone after Clau­dia grad­u­at­ed from Barnard and Clau­dia has been strug­gling to live on her own ever since. Her moth­er’s stance is that after the gen­er­a­tions of hard­ships endured by her Jew­ish ances­tors, Clau­dia is enti­tled to no short­cuts or sym­pa­thy. In fact, Clau­di­a’s moth­er seems hell-bent on the idea that Clau­dia must suf­fer through life to do her lin­eage justice.

The only source of sup­port in Clau­di­a’s life is her best friend, Upper East Sider Bron­wyn Tate. The read­er can’t help but won­der how some­one as suc­cess­ful as Bron­wyn will be able to stand by Clau­dia by the time Clau­di­a’s calami­tous ram­page is over. Soon Clau­di­a’s teenage sis­ter, Phoebe, only com­pli­cates mat­ters when she runs away from her moth­er’s home and joins Clau­dia and Bron­wyn in their apart­ment. It’s no sur­prise that Clau­dia is hard­ly a good men­tor or provider for Phoebe. 

Still, the ulti­mate mes­sage of Clau­dia Sil­ver to the Res­cue is one of redemp­tion through the most dif­fi­cult and painful of cir­cum­stances. The nov­el also serves as a reminder that some­times those we least sus­pect end up being the truest heroes in our lives. 

Read Kathy Ebel’s Posts for the Vis­it­ing Scribe

Hei­di Sax is a mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­al, spe­cial­iz­ing in the fash­ion indus­try. Orig­i­nal­ly from the Chica­go area, Hei­di has a Bach­e­lor’s Degree in Eng­lish from Emory Uni­ver­si­ty and resides in New York City.

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