
An Oasis in Time

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Today’s epi­dem­ic of busy­ness is not new, but the ques­tion of what to do about it has become more urgent than ever. Writ­ten for a gen­er­al audi­ence, but per­haps of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to Jews who have not yet made Shab­bat prac­tice a reg­u­lar part of their lives, An Oasis in Time draws on Shab­bat wis­dom to show read­ers how to have week­ly rest, renew­al, and con­nec­tion. You can start cre­at­ing your oasis in time through small steps and short peri­ods of time.

An Oasis in Time shows you the prac­ti­cal steps of how to design your week­ly time off, carve out the time from your busy sched­ule, say no — even when it’s hard — and most impor­tant­ly, change your mind­set so you can have the plea­sure of reg­u­lar­ly slow­ing down every week. From spend­ing mean­ing­ful time in nature to cre­at­ing a spe­cial, calm­ing envi­ron­ment, Paul pro­vides real strate­gies for step­ping away from the com­put­er and cre­at­ing a rhythm of life that includes a sub­stan­tial respite each week with loved ones as well as restora­tive time alone when needed.

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