
37 Sec­onds: Dying Revealed Heav­en’s Help – A Moth­er’s Journey

  • From the Publisher
August 29, 2016

Like Proof of Heav­en and To Heav­en and Back, a med­ical dra­ma with heav­en­ly impli­ca­tions in which a woman receives pre­mo­ni­tions of her death that come true, and her dis­cov­ery of the heav­en­ly help avail­able to all of us.

When she was preg­nant with her sec­ond child, Stephanie Arnold had a sud­den and over­whelm­ing pre­mo­ni­tion that she would die dur­ing the deliv­ery. Though she tried to tell the med­ical team and her fam­i­ly what was going to hap­pen, nei­ther the doc­tors nor her loved ones gave her warn­ings cre­dence. Find­ing no phys­i­cal indi­ca­tions that any­thing was wrong, they attrib­uted her fore­bod­ing to hor­mones and anxiety.

One mem­ber of the med­ical team did take her con­cerns seri­ous­ly enough, and made the fate­ful deci­sion to order extra units of blood just in case.” Then, dur­ing the deliv­ery, Stephanie suf­fered a rare Amni­ot­ic Flu­id Embolism. She went into car­diac arrest and flat-lined for 37 sec­onds. She died. Using the sup­ple­men­tary blood, the med­ical team revived her, and she remained uncon­scious for more than six days.

After months of recov­ery, Stephanie began to remem­ber details of her expe­ri­ence, details she knew because she had wit­nessed the entire dra­mat­ic event, includ­ing her death, from out­side her body — beside oth­er spir­its that were with her. In this remark­able true sto­ry, Stephanie recounts her har­row­ing jour­ney and shares her sur­pris­ing spir­i­tu­al dis­cov­er­ies: we are not alone and have more lov­ing help than we can imag­ine sur­round­ing us.

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